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How to learn to accept losses in trade

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Any novice trader faces such an unpleasantness as losses in trading. And unfortunately, the trader’s reaction to them, as a rule, is psychologically destructive. This can have a negative impact not only on trading results, but also lead to complete disappointment in trading as a way to earn money. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to understand at once that trading losses are a natural component of trading. You can’t trade without losses. They’ll be there for sure. The important thing is that there should be more profitable trades than unprofitable ones. But it can be difficult for a novice trader to accept losses. Today we will talk about how to deal with this problem at the very beginning of the trading path.All in all, her roots are often in childhood. Many of us have been taught to do things right and punished for doing things that do not meet any criteria. That’s why we’ve developed a certain system of behavior. We try to defend our point of view always and everywhere, thus confirming the attitude of “I’m doing everything right”. And this can cause problems in life, including in trade. The trader does not want to admit his mistakes, which led to the unprofitable deal. Because he always does the right thing. And such denial provokes stress, irritation, despair and other negative emotions. And they can’t contribute to a successful trade. In this state, the losses begin to grow like a snowball

good practice for accepting losses

To start thinking about what I’ve written above. Agree that you do not want to be “bad” and therefore always reject your guilt in a bad deal. A trader appoints anyone to blame (market, analyst, friend), but not himself. That’s the kind of thinking you should give up. Mistakes made by a person in any field of activity are not horrible. They’re our teachers. A trader should calmly take responsibility for the failure of trading. The analysis of the reasons for this will allow him to go higher and higher up the professional skill ladder.In order to change your attitude to losses, you should try to change your mind. Each time a deal is closed with a loss, observe the thoughts that arise in the form of a reaction to what happened. And you will see that this is a familiar set of ready-made phrases, which are a favorable background for the emergence of negative emotions. It’s a kind of program that works on its own. Uninstall it and start thinking differently. And then the losses won’t seem like something very scary to you. Psychologists say that in order to get rid of any habit, it is enough to work with the problem for three weeks. Try to observe your thoughts and emotions after the failures in trading during this time. If you do this in good faith, after three weeks you will find that losses in trading no longer affect your self-esteem or emotional well-being.Fyodorov’s Inga27.07.2019

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