As a result of the next meeting the Russian Central Bank decided to keep the key rate at the level of 7.75 percent. The regulator notes that the annual growth rate of consumer prices this month showed signs of slowdown after reaching a local high in March. The Bank expects that inflation may return to its target value of 4 percent. This is likely to happen in the first or second quarter of next year. At subsequent meetings, the Central Bank of Russia will make interest rate decisions based on an assessment of priority factors. First of all, it will compare official forecasts with statistical data on GDP and inflation dynamics. External conditions and the situation in the financial markets will also be taken into account. The Central Bank does not rule out a reduction of the rate in the next 6 months. But this will be possible if the economic indicators coincide with expectations. Last year, the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia reduced the interest rate twice.The next meeting of the Russian Central Bank, which will discuss the key bid, will be held on June 14. At the same time, most experts believe that the interest rate will remain at the current level of 7.75% per annum.
Meeting of the Bank of Russia. The bet is maintained at the same level.